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Thursday, May 20, 2010

LOST NTTE Ep 15 What They Died For


Finally we’re back to LOST being LOST! “What They Died For” pleased us all at NTTE. What did you think?


  1. This episode was complexly threaded, overlapping three stories all under the philosophical debate: the 815ers, Jacob/the MiB, and the parallel universe. How will it be resolved?

  2. I'm disappointed that Jack drank the magical creek water while everybody else stood around and stared. Something about that whole scene went too smoothly. I kept expecting Sawyer or Kate to slap the cup out of his hands. I'll be pissed if the show ends with everyone leaving the island waving goodbye to Jack who has to stay there by himself. Still don't know who the mother of Jack's son is. Juliet? I think Claire is going to die, but her wig may survive though. It looks pretty hard to kill.

  3. I thought it was really good, especially the part with Desmond getting the group all together. I can't wait to see how the Island and Sideways times resolve into one timeline. The one thing that bothered me is that Jack & co. didn't ask Jacob a million more questions. He explained a lot, but come on, once that fire goes out, no more Jacob and no more answers! You gotta take that opportunity people!


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