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Friday, May 14, 2010

LOST: No Time To Explain 14: "Across the Sea"


"Somewhere, across the sea
Somewhere watching ABC
Man in Black stands on the island’s sands
and watches the ships that go wrecking
It’s far beyond Locke’s scar
I’d like to see Kate’s moon.
I know beyond a doubt….. NOTHING!"

First, we address the controversy over last week's episode of NTTE which found our beloved Jen hanging Matt in effigy on the capitol steps in upstate NY. The we get into the latest episode of LOST, "Across the Sea."

While not atrocious like “the Candidate”, we were still left wanting after watching “Across the Sea.” With an average score of 7 out of a possible 10, the brave cast of NTTE discusses the pivotal episode.


  1. Once again, guys. You're dead on. WTF is up with LOST??????

  2. you guys are entertaining to listen to

  3. those people that defend the show are either nuts or so pathetic that they will take anything LOST throws at them and think it's good because they don't want to believe their favorite show could jump the shark.


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