How did the series finale of LOST leaving you feeling?

What is your favorite season of LOST?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Error in wording of POLL

Just noticed I screwed up the poll question when I re-worded it. It should read:

How did the series finale of LOST leave you feeling?

  Thanks, Pete


  1. Lauren Slegona MarzoMay 24, 2010 at 12:15 PM

    I'm comparing the Lost finale to some of my other favorite shows' finales (Seinfeld, Cheers, Twin Peaks), and I have to say, it actually worked. I felt angry after those finales, but this one left me somewhat satisfied (but also sad). In the end, it was all about these characters we came to know, and how they found love and redemption. I think we have to look past all the unanswered questions and appreciate the show's ability to make us care about these people and root for them to find ultimate happiness.

  2. i agree. it's growing on me more and more as time goes by


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