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Thursday, March 4, 2010

LOST NTTE Ep5 "Sundown"

Listen here 
"Sundown, you better take care

If I find you been creepin' round my back stairs."
Now, we're gettin' good. What an exciting episode of LOST this was. 
Sayid is turning evil and the Asian Steve Perry is 
trying to kill him any way he can. 
Smoke John Locke is the enemy at the gates of the temple who uses Crazy Claire 
to deliver his message. She is then captured. 
Kate is still looking for Claire and making her way back to the Temple 
where Claire is being held. 
Sayid kills the Asian Steve Perry and all hell breaks loose. Smoke John 
goes back to being the smoke monster and he invades the Temple kicking ass 
and taking names. 
In sideways time, Sayid's love, Nadia, is married to his brother, Omar. Eeeek!
But Omar owes money and gets "mugged". We find out later that 
Christopher Walken is behind the mugging and loves to make eggs!
Join us in our discussion of LOST, Episode 605, "Sundown"
WARNING: Plot Spoilers; Adult language, subject matter.  


  1. funny, but it wasn't Christopher Walken, it was one of the mercenaries from the boat in sideways time. :) Cant wait for next week

  2. thanks for commenting, Miranda. We know who it was, we were just commenting on the Walken-esque way he played the role. Thanks for listening and please get your LOST fan-friends to listen! See you next week

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