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Friday, February 5, 2010

LOST: There's NO Time To Explain Episode 1 "LA X"


Welcome to the first installment of the LOST: No Time to Explain (NTTE) Podcast. As you keep up with the final season of LOST, listen to our podcast in order to feel like you are not alone in being confused with all the twists and turns the plot takes. In this installment, Matt, Peter, Mark and Heather discuss various points on the show including how the Oceanic plane creaks like a wooden pirate ship, Rose's boobs don't jiggle during the turbulence in the first segment of the show; how Sawyer rushes down the hole to rescue Juliette and does not take much care to avoid a further collapse; the smoke monster, John Locke, Richard and much more.

Comment below and share your thoughts on the show.

WARNING: Plot spoilers and mild adult language and content.


  1. FYI, I am re-watching season 3 and many holes in Season 6's 1st episode can be filled in by watching season 3 again. Many details I didn't notice the first time, but that make sense now

  2. I think this may be the only Lost Blog, that has Rose's Boobs as a label for a post. We are breaking ground here ladies and gentlemen...Give Rose's ample bosom the credit they deserve.

  3. CORRECTION: It's not season 3, but, rather Season 2


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