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Friday, February 12, 2010

LOST: NTTE Ep2 "What Kate Does"


I wish it was "Who Kate Does" and they gave me a guest spot on the show. Anyway, LOST fans, Sayid is alive, Jack is almost tricked into poisoning him, Sawyer runs off to go back and find the DHARMA engagement ring he bought at Jarred for Juliette, Kate helps Claire when she goes into labor, and a certain someone shows up on at the end of the episode. The only question is: what did we think about it?
We are joined in this episode by two new LOST fans, Paul and Judy.

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1 comment:

  1. Good show, the highlight of which was of course


    Here's some shit to chew on--

    Did anybody address why the fuck is Ethan Rom introducing himself as Dr. Goodspeed? What's up with that (I for one would like to know)

    RE: the infected/claimed thing, I don't know if it's like a slow-burn possession or something, but it's the same thing that happened to Young Rousseau's crew last season, that had her chasing them down & shooting them (they went into the temple or something & Rousseau said they were changed when they came out). I forget the episode name but it's when they're all time-jumping all over & Jin meets Rousseau & Friends just after they landed on the island. I think this "infection" thing is also the reason the Hatch was originally stocked with HAZMAT suits; there's that episode where Desmond follows The Kurgan out onto the surface & sees him remove the suit. He thinks that the whole "infection" thing was just a hoax, but maybe that's what drove Kurgan insane and made him attack Desmond.

    Oh I want somebody with DVR to check something for me--when Kate & Jin were running around w/ the black dude & the Always Sunny guy, and they find that trap, they say it's like Rousseau's, but I swear I heard them specifically mention Alex instead of Danielle, i.e. I got the impression they were talking about Alex having set the trap and not her mom


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